Sunday, May 4, 2014

Two Ways

 Are you happy?  Instead of “blessed,” Zorn translates Ps. 1:1 in this way, “Oh, the happiness that man experiences…”  This particular Psalm has a lot to say about being happy.  David’s purpose in writing this Psalm seems to be to promote the way of the righteous.  This Psalm commends living right, those we call the righteous, indicating what they avoid, what they delight in, and what that kind of life looks like. Zorn writes, “The Psalm is brief, consisting of some 65 words in Hebrew, and to the point.  It calls for a decision.  In the OT, if one is not godly, he is not wise, for there wisdom and godliness are inseparable.”

Wisdom directs one to the ways of God, to do what is right in the sight of God and to avoid doing what is evil.  What is involved in order to do what is right and to avoid doing evil?  David describes a progress.  The man who wants to do what is right will not walk, stand, or sit in such a way that will lead to a lack of godliness.

First, the godly man does not entertain the counsel of the wicked.  He is careful to seek out godly counsel, the wisdom that comes from those who know the Lord and know His Word.  Further, the godly man spends time with the Lord to listen to Him.  Gordon Smith (Listening to God in Times of Choice) writes, “Urban Christians, in particular live such harried lives that there is little time for reflection, prayer and silence, and consequently little time to attend to the quiet presence of God and the prompting of the Spirit.”

Some would argue that we cannot hear God and we cannot expect to have His counsel.  Willard (Hearing God) argues that is more dangerous to presume we cannot than that we can.  He contends, God has created us for intimate friendship with Himself.  Why would He choose to not communicate with us?

Two questions we need to ask of ourselves…are we in relationships that speak the truth into our lives, or are some of our relationships questionable?  While we are to minister to all, we need to be careful in terms of getting into personal relationships, where we are seeking counsel from those who are clearly not talking to God.  Secondly, are we taking/making time to listen to God? 

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