Saturday, July 5, 2014

Works of the Heart

Throughout the letter to the Romans, Paul is arguing against the works of the flesh as the means of salvation.  He writes, “It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy (Rom. 9:16).”  Even God’s chosen, the people of Israel were unable to obtain a state of righteousness by their works (v. 32).  It simply was not obtainable by that means.

And yet, even today, we continue to be performance-oriented in our attempts to please God.  Let’s get this straight, our works cannot save us.  How then can we be saved?  Paul cites an Old Testament passage, “The Word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart (Deut. 30:14).”  In other words, “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved (Rom. 9:10).”  Enough said.

But, then why do we have to serve God, do good, and all that?  You don’t.  Not unless you want to that is.  First of all, if you sought out the salvation that Christ came to offer, you probably appreciate it.  So, it may be that out of gratitude, you want to give something back to Him.  Second, you were most likely wanting to leave a certain lifestyle behind because it wasn’t fulfilling.  Christ has set you free from the bondage and the consequences of the life you previously lived.  However, we are not to use that freedom to continue to live in that way, and that is pretty easy to do if you don’t adopt a different way of life; and that life is only available by being obedient to what he calls you to do.

So, let’s say I choose to do make the right decision and be a good person.  Is that enough?  Keep in mind, we are incapable of being good on our own.  We are still of the flesh.  If we want to be good, Christ alone can make you good.  We are, in fact, made holy by the sacrifice of His blood on the cross.  So, if we are made holy, we might want to choose to live our lives in such a manner as we are called to do.  So, we are back to works, right?  Yes and no; keep in mind that our reason for doing good is not to earn our salvation, or because of some mandate to do so, but out of our recognition that we have been saved, we have been made holy and righteous before God, and continuing in that state seems preferable to the old way of life.

God, the Supreme Being, Creator of the Universe, Lord of all, has saved us, when we could not save ourselves; given us grace when we could never deserve it; made us holy by the sacrifice of His very own Son.  He expects nothing in return.  He just wants you to know He loves you, and He hopes you want to know Him better.  He has much more He wants to give you, many more blessings He wants to pour out into your life.  But, these come when we do good, when we serve others, when we share the Gospel with the lost, feed the hungry, care for the “least of these,” and let them know that He loves them too.

It isn’t like the Boy Scouts where you get a badge for every good deed you do.  What you get by being obedient, trusting and serving God, is a closer relationship with Him, and the joy of knowing that you are using the gifts He has given you, helping others with the issues in their lives.  Works, right?  Yeah, works…of the heart.

 Godspeed, Phil